Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Allusion in "Crossing the Bar"

Question 14: Point out and explain any allusions.

"Crossing the Bar" discusses the journey of life to death of the speaker and how he desires for it to be. He alludes to God a couple times in the work. He first suggests the presence of God in line 2: "And one clear call for me!" God was calling on the speaker because his time was approaching. In line 15 the speaker says he "hope[s] to see [his] Pilot face to face..." In this line "Pilot" was written as a proper noun which suggests that he was referring to a literal being of importance. Pilot was an appropriate title for God because the pilot controls and navigates, similar to how God creates and sustains life. The speaker desires to meet his "Pilot" because he knows how much power He had over his entire existence.

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